In our latest health and fitness round-up of news and views from the last month, we look at functional range conditioning (FRC), the benefits of beetroot, handstand technique and more. Plus Leon’s obsession with fascia continues…


Master Handstand Technique
Handstands are a great exercise for strength and mobility in the core and upper body. The page above has loads of great advice for beginners through to advanced level, with training videos including this example below:


Simple Food Advice

simple food advice

Keep it simple!


The Health Benefits of Gardening

Health benefits of gardening

Exercise, vitamin D and stress reduction – great points from TheGardeningSoul.


Managing Lower Back Pain Through Exercise & Lifestyle

Lower back pain advice

Important research in the Lancet here and here.

Let’s hope research like this will give a more pro-active approach to helping deal with back pain than the standard response from many GPs of “have some Ibuprofen” or sending people to the surgeons. Surgery still has its place, but all too often it is prescribed as the only option.


Oblique Sling Exercise Progressions and Assessment
My obsession with fascia will continue for a while!


Our Food System – an Invisible Form of Oppression?
Interesting read on the food industry, posing the question – is it always our choice to eat unhealthily?


Intro to Functional Range Conditioning (FRC)
Keep on working on the controlled range of those joints folks.


Poor overall quality of clinical practice guidelines for musculoskeletal pain: a systematic review
An interesting read from the British Medical Journal.


The Health Benefits of Beetroot
Got to love these beauties!


4 Exercises To Improve Hip Mobility
Get those hips moving!